a retreat is coming in 2024
As elusive as a butterfly . . . days spent stitching and creating with others who share like passions have been few and far between. At least for us.
It’s been quite some time, (years even) since we dreamed up the idea of hosting a creative retreat. But we never gave up, and haven’t given up still! However . . . due to health issues, scheduling conflicts and our chosen venue re-designing their business plan, we are unable to host in 2024.
We are still quite hopeful that over the year or so we will be able to secure a new venue and continue with our plans, so don’t give up on us!
We are sure many of you have been longing for time spent simply creating. Days with friends, stitching, laughing, noshing and learning. Our goal is to bring you a lovely and unique experience and we are just itching to make it happen!
Below is the format we hope for one day . . .
We will kick off our event on with a “Stitcher’s Market” ~ an evening filled with vendors joyfully peddling their wares of threads, buttons, fabrics, trims, kits, notions, finished works & antiques.
The next morning with thimble, needle and thread at hand classes will commence. For 3 days our workshops will include instruction in making pincushions, wool appliqué, cotton batting figures, teddy bear making, fabric covered baskets, spun cotton and more. In addition, evening “quick stitch” classes will also be offered.
In addition to learning new stitching and creative skills, Debbie Hartwick will hold a talk on antique sewing implements and stitching history. A display of early stitcher’s tools will be shared to make you Oooo and Ahhh.
Workshops will be taught by: Stacey Bear, Lori Ann Corelis, Debbie Hartwick & Kim Stout.
*Please remember to sign up for our newsletter (on contact page), to receive notices of events!